Happy Thoughts

From our trip to France, way too long ago!
I tend to dwell on the negative things happening around me.  B is always reminding me to focus on the good things, but sometimes the bad ones just take the forefront and it's hard to find the good things!  One of the blogs I like to read, Cider With Rosie, does a weekly post called "Ten things that made me happy this week".  I think it's a great idea and I want to try and do something similar - each week sit down and make a list of some of the good things that have happened over the week. 

Here goes nothing!

-Having the excuse to wear my new, beloved rain boots twice so far this week.  Of course, that means that it's raining, but having the boots to wear makes rainy days not all that bad!

-My nautical manicure.  My students liked it, too.  It's nice to have other people get excited about my finger nails, even if they are only four years old.

-Learning that "doll" and "troll" rhyme in British-English, and that they call a ping pong paddle a "bat" (crazy!!).  English is a funny language, and B and I don't even understand each other all of the time!

-The knowledge that tomorrow is Friday, which in my book means Frappaccino Friday. I can already hear Starbucks calling my name!

-The fact that there is less than one week until B comes to visit for six whole weeks...I couldn't be more excited!

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