The Top 10 Tour of Al Ain continued with a visit to the Palace Museum (the birthplace of Sheik Zayed, the creator of the UAE) and a quick stroll through the Oasis.
The Palace Museum is free and an interesting glimpse into how the royalty lived before the oil was discovered.
The Palace has several majilis, sitting rooms where the men and women could be entertained separately.
Each majilis had one or two small fire pits to make coffee. I love the Arabic coffee pots.
There was even a classroom in the complex!
Naughty students:
Nice students:

And a Quran room.
Several places in Al Ain have signs on the restrooms that look like generic stick people here!
The Al Ain Oasis is lovely to walk through. It is very green, something you don't see too much of when you are living in the desert! It's also a great way to escape the heat during the hotter months.
I had to say my goodbyes before the tour was complete, so I'll have to ask if they completed their Top 10 Tour, but I think we gave it a pretty good go!
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