TBT: Christchurch, NZ, December 2009

In honor of actually being in New Zealand right now, I decided it was only fitting that this week's Throw Back Thursday be my first trip to NZ back in 2009!

One of Bryn's university friends was getting married, so we went to Bryn's hometown of Christchurch.  It was my first time being south of the equator, and my first time experiencing a country with mixed-up seasons (seeing window displays of Santa on a surfboard was a bit surreal!)

I can't wait to share the photos and stories from the trip I am on now, but just to tide you over, here are some of the pictures from the first trip.  Enjoy!

^^First glimpses from the airplane^^

So much of Christchurch was destroyed by the big earthquake in 2011, so it's a little sad to look at some of these photos.  I'm so glad I had the chance to visit before that - it's such a beautiful city!

Christchurch was also where I learned that prefects were not an invention of J.K. Rowling, but an actual thing!!!  AND that my husband actually was a prefect - a real, live prefect!  Crazy!

I had true Kiwi fish and chips for the first time...very exciting!

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